Leonardo Brito
Leonardo Brito (He/Him) is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and started his training with Projeto Primeiro Passo, before training at Escola Estadual de Danca Maria Olenewa, Center of Art Nós da Dança, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Miami City Ballet School and The Ailey School. Leonardo has performed with companies such as Mariinsky Ballet, Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, Emotions Physical Theater, Dance Theater of Florida, Alvin Ailey and Ailey II. In 2016, Leonardo was awarded the III Brazilian Modern Dance Congress and he has performed works by Robert Battle, Jennifer Archibald, Jae Man Joo, Darrell Grand Moultrie, Amy Hall Garner, Melanie Futorian, Ray Mercer, Bradley Shelver and others. He has also made appearances in Tommy Hilfiger’s Pride Campaign 2019, OUT Magazine’s May 2019 Issue, Hong Kong Dance Magazine’s Sept. 2020 Issue, the opening of “Fantástico” 2021 at Globo TV Chanel, Glossier Campaigns, the POSE FX Television Series Season 2 and Willy Chavarria’s Safe From Harm film. This is Leonardo’s fifth season with Ballet Hispánico.