
Freya Goldstein


Freya Goldstein is a New York City native and graduated from Swarthmore College. She studied piano privately with Olga Heifetz. With her husband, Ben, she has written many published children's songs, two of which aired repeatedly on Sesame Street. For over fifteen years, Freya has been an accompanist at New York City ballet studios for dancers of all ages. She is happy to have been accompanying classes at Ballet Hispánico since 1998.

Ballet Hispánico is an accredited institutional member of the:

National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD)
11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Ste. 21, Reston, VA 20190-5248 | (703) 437-0700

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Contact the School of Dance Office at school@ballethispanico.org

Freya Goldstein, Pianist

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