Hip Hop

Ruth Ann Batista

Hip Hop

Born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, Ruth Ann Batista is a passionate and experienced dance instructor with over a decade of training in diverse dance styles. A Palm Beach Atlantic University graduate focusing on Dance Pedagogy, Ruth Ann has performed at notable events, including the Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show with JLO & Shakira. Other performances include local musical theater productions and large city festivals such as PumPum Fest and Oye Fest. Her teaching experience spans a range of age groups, and she specializes in Hip-Hop and Contemporary. Ruth Ann is dedicated to fostering creativity and confidence in young dancers and is incredibly grateful to be on staff.

Ballet Hispánico is an accredited institutional member of the:

National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD)
11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Ste. 21, Reston, VA 20190-5248 | (703) 437-0700

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Contact the School of Dance Office at school@ballethispanico.org

Ruth Ann Batista, Hip Hop

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